Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relaxing Thailand

My final stop was the relaxing island of Koh Chang. After cycling some 2000 + kilometers across Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. I have spent the last week within a 5 km range of my guesthouse.

It's quite exciting to visit far away places. Dream of past civilizations. Meet and explore different cultures. But humbling to remind myself that the things I find most important in happiness and life are very close by.

I look forward to sharing future travels. As, I have enjoyed sharing the stories as much as you have reading them. And I encourage you to do the same. 'Oh the world of social media, maybe I am finally starting to understand you.'

I will wrap up this blog at a later date with some travel info. As I'm a numbers and info guy can't wait to share this. If you are following the blog with intent of traveling to the same area please e-mail Jason and I any questions at and we will do our best to get you a reply.

Wishing the best of the holiday season to all.


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